Let's announce a racially charged verdict at night. What could possibly go wrong? #Ferguson #GovNixon #Missouri #MichaelBrown #inners
Let's announce a racially charged verdict at night. What could possibly go wrong? #Ferguson #GovNixon #Missouri #MichaelBrown #inners
#Missouri officials just briefed the media, callin for peaceful protest in #Ferguson after grand jury decision comes down.
RT @JamieMetzl: Who's boneheaded idea was it to make the #Ferguson grand jury announcement late at night instead of early in the morning? #…
A tense night awaits MO. Hope all goes well. Peace and respect. #Ferguson #StLouis #Missouri #browncase #OfficerWilson #GrandJuryDecision
RT @DanMarriesKOLD: #Missouri governor says St. Louis County Prosecutor made call to announce #Ferguson #GrandJury #indictment announcement…
It's now or never white man, we must fight for freedom. Racewar now #Ferguson #DarrenWilson #MikeBrown #GrandJury #Missouri #StLouis
#missouri Gov. Nixon calls for restraint via @washingtonpost
#Missouri Gov. #NIXON urges "mutual respect" as prosecutors prepare to announce #Ferguson grand jury decision
RT @Ernestsworld: Let's announce a racially charged verdict at night. What could possibly go wrong? #Ferguson #GovNixon #Missouri #Michae…