Ferguson tun right over tonight, if they dare give the wrong verdict.. It won't be pretty.. #FergusonVerdict
Ferguson tun right over tonight, if they dare give the wrong verdict.. It won't be pretty.. #FergusonVerdict
America what is your expectation of the verdict in Ferguson? Let's talk... #FergusonVerdict
The right to assemble does not equal looting and destroying property. #FergusonVerdict #Ferguson
RT @laura_nelson: The @latimes's @WallySkalij is taking some stunning photos. See them here: #FergusonVerdict http:/…
I hope Ferguson police dept has a picture of Kim Kardashian Paper magazine on their riot gear to calm the protestors down. #FergusonVerdict
RT @RicanGorilla: I hope Ferguson police dept has a picture of Kim Kardashian Paper magazine on their riot gear to calm the protestors down…
They're damned if they do & damned if they don't. Pray for those in #Ferguson tonight #FergusonDecision #FergusonGrandJury #fergusonverdict
RT @laura_nelson: The @latimes's @WallySkalij is taking some stunning photos. See them here: #FergusonVerdict http:/…
Waiting for this Epic Announcement! 9pm #Ferguson #fergusonverdict Praying for Justice!
Why are they stalling? What's taking them so fucking long? #Ferguson #FergusonVerdict