RT @emarvelous: Nixon: Our hope is people show mutual tolerance, respect and restraint regardless of outcome. #Ferguson
RT @emarvelous: Nixon: Our hope is people show mutual tolerance, respect and restraint regardless of outcome. #Ferguson
RT @fox25news: .@GovJayNixon speaking about forthcoming #Ferguson grand jury decision. Watch live on #fox25
Dear #Ferguson please don't freak out & hurt each other or destroy your city but also #Ferguson please don't let that cop walk free.
RT @BBCBreaking: Missouri's governor calls for "tolerance, mutual respect & restraint" ahead of #MichaelBrown decision…
RT @byjoelanderson: Nixon is at the podium now. #ferguson
Governor you can reiterate all you want. What I know is if this man walks away there will be smoke in the city! #Ferguson
RT @MichaelSkolnik: Let’s continue sending messages of love, peace and solidarity to the community of #Ferguson! Use #DearFerguson and show…
RT @NoorjahanAkbar: Overheard today in class: "as a black woman, I really really don't want to have a son." #Ferguson #brokemyheart #waronb…
RT @TheOracle13: Police officers in #Ferguson are cowards. #BlackPanic
"I want people to think with their heads and not with emotions" -- St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley #Ferguson press conference