That's all Governor Jay Nixon has to say? #Ferguson
That's all Governor Jay Nixon has to say? #Ferguson
Gov. Nixon said that there have been open lines of communication between protest leaders and police. Not true. #Ferguson
RT @CuriousLemming: I hear real trepidation in Juan Williams voice; he is realizing the ramifications of this provoked race war. #Ferguson …
I think indictment or no indictment #Ferguson is going to be ugly. God Bless America.
RT @koeselitz: Request to those in #Ferguson planning to get violent tonight: please display your name & badge numbers prominently so we kn…
RT @TheAtlantic: Self-segregation: Why it's hard for whites to understand #Ferguson
RT @Dreamdefenders: Read this open letter from #ferguson protestors:
I feel like a war is about to start in #Ferguson
RT @MichaelSkolnik: Michael Brown’s family has asked for 4.5 minutes of silence tonight for the 4.5 hours his body lay in the street. #Ferg…
How nice the governor of Missouri announced when the #Ferguson riots will start.