feel like this lengthy introduction to the decision regarding the #Ferguson trial means bad news
feel like this lengthy introduction to the decision regarding the #Ferguson trial means bad news
RT @KHOULily: #Ferguson grand jury decision to be announced at 8pm central. Watch it live on and @KHOU 11.
@GovJayNixon on the protest after the #Ferguson verdict
Possibly. His conf call last week a painful stumble stutter rt @JennJacques: Is he talking just to talk? #Ferguson #Nixon #FergusonDecision
RT @MicahGrimes: Sunset in #Ferguson. All is calm.
If Darren Wilson were black, we'd know about the damn pack of gum he stole in 3rd grade! Smdh #Ferguson
“Regardless of the outcome, people are going to be emotional. We don’t want someone to accidentally shoot someone…” Just stop. #Ferguson
RT @KevinOzebek: The sunset in #Ferguson tonight. Taken by @AJAM Photojournalist @benthparsons.
RT @BuzzFeedNews: Missouri @GovJayNixon speaking now. #Ferguson — Watch Live
To me, the Gov's words can only mean there will not be charges in #Ferguson