Everyone who keeps calling the #Ferguson grand jury decision a "verdict" is an idiot and needs to go back to school.
Everyone who keeps calling the #Ferguson grand jury decision a "verdict" is an idiot and needs to go back to school.
RT @Boom_Monster: Somebody need to leak the #Ferguson verdict like a album
It's why I believe how this world is controlled by the devils. How can a governor talks and there isn't the world JUSTICE in it #ferguson
S/o to the world that we live in #Ferguson
I'm on the edge about this #Ferguson decision. Please keep peace.
RT @WillisRArnold: Police now lining up outside #Ferguson PD
RT @RubinReport: Going to see #Interstellar. Figure another planet will be safest place to be after #Ferguson decision.
RT @deray: Gov. Nixon said that there have been open lines of communication between protest leaders and police. Not true. #Ferguson
No matter the facts! We don't need no stupid facts! “@artsyboy1985: The verdict is in. Find the man guilty! #Ferguson”
RT @miserablecitytv: #TrayvonMartin 's parents react to expected #Ferguson #grandjury verdict