Donna Brazille - they're making a mess of it again. Why drag it out? Why at night? So much drama. #Ferguson
Donna Brazille - they're making a mess of it again. Why drag it out? Why at night? So much drama. #Ferguson
We live in a hyper-militarized country and police state where Constitutional rights are not guaranteed based on race and class #Ferguson
RT @TeaPartyCat: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon telling black people not to get upset about random police murder. #Ferguson
RT @MBlazeVision: F*ck Darren Wilson ... Cops shouldn't get away with murder.... #StLouis #Ferguson #MikeBrown #freedomofspeech http://…
RT @ArrestWilson: DW did not check to see if MB was breathing or had a pulse or render aid, & prevented others from doing so. http://t.co/J…
RT @mollyrosestl: Shut up, @wolfblitzer. We are not the violent ones. We have been peaceful. 107 of the last 109 days have been peaceful. #…
RT @ShimonPro: National guard now present in Clayton where the prosecutor will announce grand jury decision #ferguson http://t.co/5gtkHZI3u3
RT @elonjames: It's weird to announce this in prime time right? Why not announce at 10am? Wouldn't that change the whole dynamic? #Ferguson
Missouri officials will 'not tolerate the destruction of property or violence' ---> http://t.co/q9MNH88OJX #Ferguson
RT @TheAnonMessage: Now #StLouis officials are insinuating the idea that protesters shut off the electricity on Halloween in #Ferguson.