How to tell my pink Boyz that it's not the same when they have play guns as when their brown friends have play guns? #Cleveland #Ferguson
How to tell my pink Boyz that it's not the same when they have play guns as when their brown friends have play guns? #Cleveland #Ferguson
RT @colourfulsevens: Tonight is the night that America either makes one step towards progress or plunges itself deeper into racial tension.…
RT @PatrikIanPolk: They need to stop stalling & go ahead & announce that the grand jury is not indicting the police officer. We all know it…
RT @OwlsAsylum: RT @deray: It's incredible how nobody talks about Mike Brown in these press conferences. But they talk about property. Tons…
A great tonic for Mental Health is Justice-Lisa Bloom- Contrary to what @GovJayNixon think @PoliticsNation #Ferguson
RT @FlyonaDime: The sickening feeling of bracing for a punch to the gut. #Ferguson
RT @_ToParisAndBack: For the media, the main story of #Ferguson has not been about Mike Brown or systematic oppression, but whether protest…
RT @PzFeed: BREAKING NEWS: LAPD and NYPD are on citywide tactical alert ahead of the #Ferguson grand jury announcement.…
RT @ChrissyCole: “I’m not going to get into operational details.” Nixon’s response when asked if tear gas will be used tonight. Wow. #Fergu…
RT @donnabrazile: #Ferguson - we are sending you our thoughts and prayers.