RT @STrimel: As of 5 p.m., prosecutor's office had not called Darren Wilson asking him to turn himself in: http://t.co/yDPAnXLtpk @juliebos…
RT @STrimel: As of 5 p.m., prosecutor's office had not called Darren Wilson asking him to turn himself in: http://t.co/yDPAnXLtpk @juliebos…
RT @bestnewactress: Blood on the leaves. Still. In 2014. In your post-racial "we're all just humans"- America. Open your eyes. #Ferguson
RT @Bob_Hudgins: Several hundred people here now at the #Ferguson PD: https://t.co/TDdYGTv6Xu
RT @SaraLang: This call for "peace, respect, and restraint" is addressed to the police officers, right? #Ferguson
Why are they trying to keep this verdict a secret? It's gonna have to be told & they better be ready for the repercussions #Ferguson #MBrown
RT @MiaFarrow: Why did they wait until nighttime to announce the verdict? #Ferguson
Whatever the decision is, I pray that nobody else loses their life tonight. Remember the bigger picture. #Ferguson
RT @akjohnson1922: To be clear: All who spoke at @GovJayNixon's presser said they do NOT know the decision reached by grand jury. #Ferguson
RT @deray: It's incredible how nobody talks about Mike Brown in these press conferences. But they talk about property. Tons. #Ferguson
RT @mikebrowncover: Why is #Ferguson important? Because war torn countries are sending messages of hope to US citizens. http://t.co/K6ahNj…