RT @MotherJones: Exactly how often do police shoot unarmed black men? http://t.co/TrTw6yI27Z #Ferguson http://t.co/QlrrCqUduV
RT @MotherJones: Exactly how often do police shoot unarmed black men? http://t.co/TrTw6yI27Z #Ferguson http://t.co/QlrrCqUduV
RT @thehalfpastdope: Join the police department RT @AmirNow: #HowToGetAwayWithMurder ? Simple don't be a person of color. #Ferguson
Because the protesters in #Ferguson are more honorable than they say the police are and won't harm anyone tonight....right?
RT @claudiamorell: Downtown Chicago demonstrators for Michael Brown marching down State St. #Ferguson @WBEZ http://t.co/3VEXgIOTwh
Oh it seems as if @donnabrazile has her rose colored glasses on again. Silly silly woman. #Ferguson
RT @AdamHlava: MO officials pushing the violence narrative isn't helpful, protests have been largely peaceful #Ferguson
#Ferguson announcement comes after the majority of protest start times. Coincidence? http://t.co/FAFXije5f2
RT @TUSK81: "The community should remain calm" More like "Police in riot gear with tear gas should remain calm" #Ferguson
RT @popcornreel: CONFIRMED: The grand jury decision will be announced at 8pm Central time. (9pm East/6pm Pacific) #Ferguson
RT @STARANDBUCWILD: There are no black communities ie; banks and or supermarkets, so stop crying about what might happen. #Ferguson