RT @OBS_StL: Law enforcement and media are whipping up the talk about violent protest again. The greatest threat of violence is the police.…
RT @OBS_StL: Law enforcement and media are whipping up the talk about violent protest again. The greatest threat of violence is the police.…
RT @DrJasonJohnson: "I do not want someone to shoot anyone out of fear" - #Ferguson presser Comissioner Dooley - That's a message #DarrenWi…
RT @kgosztola: CNN's Wolf Blitzer to business manager of STL Police Officers Association: "[Wilson] did kill a teenager, right?" #Ferguson
@lotrlove12 Nope. Grand juries don't decide guilt or innocence... they decide if there's evidence that warrants an indictment. #ferguson
RT @Jayron26: Tonite could be really long and intense. This is abt far more than #Ferguson. This is about general outrage at a failed Syste…
Anybody livestreaming on the ground? #Ferguson
RT @crepeau: Group of 30ish marching south followed by bike cops #Ferguson
Way to go @GovJayNixon. End the presser when the real questions start to erupt. #Ferguson
RT @harikondabolu: The #Ferguson grand jury isn't deciding if Darren Wilson is guilty, but if a Black man's murder is even worth further di…
Praying for peace in #Ferguson