RT @elonjames: It's weird to announce this in prime time right? Why not announce at 10am? Wouldn't that change the whole dynamic? #Ferguson
RT @elonjames: It's weird to announce this in prime time right? Why not announce at 10am? Wouldn't that change the whole dynamic? #Ferguson
RT @PzFeed: BREAKING NEWS: Citywide tactical alert declated by LAPD. #Ferguson Stay with @PzFeed for the latest. http://t.co/cFfxvUcVgR
RT @occupythemob: The whole world is watching. #Ferguson
RT @JaneQCitizen16: @mollyrosestl @wolfblitzer And the police have been VERY peaceful. Never once took the protesters bait. Job well done…
RT @bassem_masri: #IndictTheCop 108 days in and we are hours away from the decision #Ferguson http://t.co/Og4vq75MOr
RT @kfdentistry: So announcing the indictment at 9 pm after they clearly know what is ahead, is not a good sign. #Ferguson
#IL #AZ #NV #MI #OH #VA #MD #LA #IN #AK #CO #DE #ID #HI #IA #KS #KY #TN #ME If they do not indict DW stand up #Ferguson #blacktwitter
The Governor of Missouri did not caution against the possible bad behavior of the cops. #Ferguson #GrandJuryDecision #JayNixon
RT @PzFeed: BREAKING NEWS: LAPD and NYPD are on citywide tactical alert ahead of the #Ferguson grand jury announcement. http://t.co/cFfxvUc…
RT @ToluseO: Outside the #Ferguson police station http://t.co/65Onxrzbrc