RT @ryanjreilly: Quiet evening on West Florissant. #Ferguson
RT @ryanjreilly: Quiet evening on West Florissant. #Ferguson
RT @mettawordlife83: And just think: This man >>>@GovJayNixon<<< wants to be President in two years. FUCK....YOU!!! #Ferguson
NICE! "@FactsHurt: Remember when all of the white people rioted and looted after the OJ verdict came down...? Neither do I... #Ferguson"
RT @NYScanner: NYC: NYPD Officer's are on citywide tactical alert ahead of #Ferguson announcement. Riot Police staging at Union Square.
RT @TheH2: It's almost like the media wants #Ferguson to explode. And the agitators there will be happy to oblige. God bless the innocent …
Why do the people of #Ferguson keep electing white democrats?
RT @cnnbrk: 54% of nonwhites, 23% of whites say Officer Wilson should be charged with murder. #Ferguson…
RT @fox13now: Woman 'jokingly' waving gun says, "We're ready for #Ferguson," & accidentally shoots self in the head, dies.…
RT @KeepinItNatural: "@TheOracle13: I wish your cops would plan and train to preserve black lives. #Ferguson"<they wud hav to value black …
RT @donnabrazile: #Ferguson - we are sending you our thoughts and prayers.