RT @DrayaFace: Jesus watch over the streets of #Ferguson
RT @DrayaFace: Jesus watch over the streets of #Ferguson
RT @deray: Gov. Nixon said that there have been open lines of communication between protest leaders and police. Not true. #Ferguson
This press conference going on now is only discussing the protesting and rules of peaceful protest...not the Verdict #Ferguson ..
RT @MichelleFields: There is about to be so many Facebook unfriending in America tonight #ferguson
Announcing the #Ferguson grand jury decision at night seems like it is just begging for trouble and violence.
RT @TheAPJournalist: Nixon: "Regardless of the decision, people on all sides shall show tolerance, mutal respect and restraint." #Ferguson
RT @deray: What's the mood? We're waiting to exhale. #Ferguson
RT @juliebosman: "I do not want anyone to accidentally shoot or harm someone out of fear," says charlie Dooley, St. Louis County exec. #Fer…
RT @TooNastyyy: If the #Ferguson trail doesn't go as planned we may have 49 states by tomorrow because Missouri is going to burn to the gro…
RT @SingnPlay: CNN & MSM show most inflammatory images re #Ferguson. NAACP prez saying 99% of protesters peaceful - while CNN shows ppl bei…