RT @Frank_Cusumano: Gov. Nixon says, "If people are violent or destroying property, we will use our resources. ". #Ferguson
RT @Frank_Cusumano: Gov. Nixon says, "If people are violent or destroying property, we will use our resources. ". #Ferguson
RT @deray: Wow. Slay says that the paramount concern is to protect the people who disagree with protestors. He said that. #Ferguson
RT @deray: I love that this man just interrupted the press conference. Nixon is NOT PREPARED. And this question is DEEP. #Ferguson
RT @cnnbrk: Officials: Grand jury decision on whether to indict Officer Darren Wilson will be announced at 9 p.m. ET. #Ferguson http://t.co…
Cedric The Entertainer on #Ferguson #MikeBrown "This happens to often" Check out this video http://t.co/MfFnGFozEU
RT @NPRCodeSwitch: Follow our reporter @RadioMirage for #ferguson updates -- she's in St. Louis now.
RT @WOOBCUDI: Smh this is sad #Ferguson http://t.co/tXuFpjl5nB
RT @NBCNews: They ran 540 miles from Atlanta to the spot where Michael Brown died in #Ferguson, Missouri http://t.co/PjYiadSsiB http://t.co…
RT @ToluseO: Outside the #Ferguson police station http://t.co/T63TqjvfLj
@GovJayNixon press conference nut shell:"Black people, we r going to give it 2 u right up the ass, and you will take it, or else" #Ferguson