“@cnnbrk: “What happened to Michael Brown has deeply divided us,” St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay says. #Ferguson” Has always been divided
“@cnnbrk: “What happened to Michael Brown has deeply divided us,” St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay says. #Ferguson” Has always been divided
RT @Frank_Cusumano: Gov. Nixon says, "If people are violent or destroying property, we will use our resources. ". #Ferguson
RT @Anongotit: Them cats in #Ferguson bout to have it lookin like Watts in the '60s
RT @harikondabolu: The #Ferguson grand jury isn't deciding if Darren Wilson is guilty, but if a Black man's murder is even worth further di…
RT @PzFeed: RIGHT NOW: Hundreds converge towards #Ferguson police department ahead of Grand Jury decision. http://t.co/cFfxvUcVgR http://t.…
RT @HouTxns2002: SICK of the Lamestream media lap dogs & their excuse for reporting! Show the REAL Michael Brown...!!! #Ferguson http://t…
RT @tariqnasheed: Notice how they are delaying this #Ferguson #DarrenWilson decision today until after 6pm-when everyone is off work and bu…
RT @chescaleigh: “what happened to Michael Brown” ummmm you mean his murder? i can’t with this press conference #ferguson
RT @ShimonPro: The national guard walking into the St. Louis prosecutors office #ferguson http://t.co/FDy6XgIO0g
No one is stupid enough to deliberately announce the #Ferguson grand jury decision this evening, are they?