RT @SociologyGal: I have lost family and friends who let their racist colors show over #Ferguson, but gained friends who are actually usefu…
RT @SociologyGal: I have lost family and friends who let their racist colors show over #Ferguson, but gained friends who are actually usefu…
i'm doing everything right now from prayin to sipping to laughing with the homies. we are all out of wack at this moment. #ferguson we wait.
RT @RWSurferGirl: I feel bad for the locals who had nothing to do with any of this, yet have lived under this cloud for 3 months. #Ferguson…
RT @AliyaRahman: Let's be clear, tonight is not about whether Darren Wilson is guilty. It's about whether there should even BE A TRIAL. #di…
RT @jelani9: I asked Gov. Nixon if they ruled out use of armored vehicles and tear gas. He said would not discuss operational details. #Fer…
Thanks #Ferguson for demonstrating to the world how Liberal jackasses can fan the flame of non-existent #racism to advance their sick agenda
RT @deray: If you haven't already, check out the police responses to the Rules of Engagement. America. #Ferguson http://t.co/Hnap7VNjJp
RT @PaulJElliott: @brianstelter Gov. Nixon dodges and weaves with the best of them. #Ferguson
RT @AC360: #GovNixon calls for "restraint" ahead of #grandjury announcement - http://t.co/6adV0OAgYp. #AC360 live in #Ferguson 8p ET @CNN
RT @HarrietBaldwin: The New Black Panthers, The KKK and Anonymous stirring the pot in #Ferguson. Race baiters and hate mongers. Again, the …