Look who's ready for #Ferguson
Look who's ready for #Ferguson
#Ferguson 8pm @night announcement?? SMH ●SMH ●SMELLS DANGEROUS PeacefulProtesters 4 #MikeBrown Rethink Protest only during daylight hours
RT @ColorOfChange: Press asks: "Would a lack of indictment be a green light sanctioning police violence against Black people across the cou…
RT @deray: Reporter: "Have you ruled out the use of armored vehicles and tear gas?" Nixon: "I will not get into operational details." #Ferg…
Sweet Jesus, I turn to @CNN and #LizBrown is yapping #Ferguson
RT @BritniDWrites: The protests in #Ferguson are about more than just #MikeBrown. It's about communities of color being treated as criminal…
RT @amaditalks: The endless stream of lies is appalling. RT @zellieimani: Did he just say no protestor was hurt in August? Um. #Ferguson
RT @CurlsAndPearls7: Peace, be still! #Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter
Governor Nixon of Missouri came off pompous & bothered in his press conference. It adds tension to an already appalling situation. #Ferguson
RT @ShaunKing: I've been ride or die for President Obama for 8 years. When it was popular and when it wasn't. His tone-deafness on #Ferguso…