RT @MiaFarrow: Why did they wait until nighttime to announce the verdict? #Ferguson
RT @MiaFarrow: Why did they wait until nighttime to announce the verdict? #Ferguson
RT @cnnbrk: 54% of nonwhites, 23% of whites say Officer Wilson should be charged with murder. #Ferguson…
RT @jrzygirlinfla: Did @MayorSlay really just praise the police department in St Louis? Officials in Missouri are in denial at the expense …
RT @deray: I love that this man just interrupted the press conference. Nixon is NOT PREPARED. And this question is DEEP. #Ferguson
RT @deray: If you haven't already, check out the police responses to the Rules of Engagement. America. #Ferguson
Don't let them use #Ferguson to further the racial divide. This is about police brutality. #fuckthepolice
RT @ToluseO: Outside the #Ferguson police station
WHO? Announces the decision at 8pm at night knowing the potential danger, that's at stake #Ferguson Makes no sense smh What about safety?
RT @TeaPartyCat: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon telling black people not to get upset about random police murder. #Ferguson
RT @tariqnasheed: Black people are constantly told to be non-violent and peaceful in #Ferguson . But white people are buying guns http://t.…