Tonight is gonna be cat piss and pepper. I pray for the safety of all the protesters out there tonight. #Ferguson
Tonight is gonna be cat piss and pepper. I pray for the safety of all the protesters out there tonight. #Ferguson
RT @ProfKori: Gov Nixon had nothing to say abt police being on best behavior. All abt protestors' (presumed) behavior & protecting property…
RT @PzFeed: More than 11,000 people are currently monitoring Missouri State Highway Patrol scanner. #Ferguson Live Updates -…
RT @ajam: St. Louis Mayor on anticipated protests in #Ferguson: "The world will be watching us."
RT @drumbeats4peace: These words so long ago yet so appropriate tonight. #Ferguson
RT @SpearsNBAYahoo: Hoping for the best. Bracing for the worst with memories in mind of living in Cali during the Rodney King verdict annou…
RT @MildlyAmused: Apparently, white kids rioting in a pumpkin patch is youthful fun but POC better not potentially riot over murderous inju…
RT @Bipartisanism: BREAKING: LAPD confirms police are on citywide tactical alert ahead of #Ferguson announcement
RT @deray: Reporter: "Have you ruled out the use of armored vehicles and tear gas?" Nixon: "I will not get into operational details." #Ferg…
RT @HarrietBaldwin: The New Black Panthers, The KKK and Anonymous stirring the pot in #Ferguson. Race baiters and hate mongers. Again, the …