Is this when Garveyism becomes relevant? Is America a place for those of African decent, or do we need to all pack up and leave? #Ferguson
Is this when Garveyism becomes relevant? Is America a place for those of African decent, or do we need to all pack up and leave? #Ferguson
#Ferguson Please B non_violent ~Pool your resources&take ownership of your town.Elect your own ppl 2power&change make up of PD #PrayForPeace
RT @CurlynDoris: "We will give you leeway to protest" You're not "giving" them ANYTHING. It's in the freakin Constitution asswipe. #Fergus…
RT @BillxTre: Guns, dogs, hoses, and tear gas. You tryna tell me we in 2014? #Ferguson
RT @FOX2now: Crowd grows to about 100 at #Ferguson police department
RT @MATTHEWBOMAN: Dear #Ferguson please don't freak out & hurt each other or destroy your city but also #Ferguson please don't let that cop…
RT @Sttbs73: Are these same great police officers the same officers who pointed live weapons at protestors @GovJayNixon #Ferguson
What else are police for but to protect property? #ferguson
Jeff Roorda is just as bad as Sharpton on the other side. These guys seem to get glee out of saying stupid things to incite others.#Ferguson
RT @_tyran: I’m blowing up y’all TL’s tonight. #RIPMikeBrown #Ferguson #StayWoke