RT @aaronlmorrison: Prosecutor, state officials giving cable news and networks an early Christmas gift by announcing this during primetime?…
RT @aaronlmorrison: Prosecutor, state officials giving cable news and networks an early Christmas gift by announcing this during primetime?…
BREAKING NEWS: Michael Brown was killed by Bill Cosby's balls #Ferguson
RT @OccupyDisabled: What time will they start jamming cell phone signals? #Ferguson
RT @bob_owens: BREAKING: Missouri @GovJayNixon prepares #Ferguson grand jury speech.
RT @ChristopherAve: I earnestly hope protesters and police agree that violence in wake of GJ decision only hurts what either side stands fo…
RT @NYScanner: NYC: NYPD Officer's are on citywide tactical alert ahead of #Ferguson announcement. Riot Police staging at Union Square.
RT @melaninisthekey: Tired of the media & others lecturing/cautioning the #ferguson protestors, like they're THE PROBLEM! Police have been …
RT @drumbeats4peace: These words so long ago yet so appropriate tonight. #Ferguson
RT @TOSHAMAKIA: Grand jury decision in #Ferguson case to be revealed at 9 p.m. ET
@theblaze With the riots in full swing tonight in #Ferguson Obama can now empty Gitmo? Ha Ha suckers!