RT @OwlsAsylum: RT @deray Reporter asks how Nixon will work to fix racial divide. Nixon responds that this work has already begun,talked to…
RT @OwlsAsylum: RT @deray Reporter asks how Nixon will work to fix racial divide. Nixon responds that this work has already begun,talked to…
RT @mikebrowncover: Why is #Ferguson important? Because war torn countries are sending messages of hope to US citizens.…
RT @ToluseO: Outside the #Ferguson police station
RT @ABC7Jay: Should learn around 9pm if #Ferguson cop Darren Wilson will be indicted or not in shooting death of unarmed teen Michael Brown…
RT @deray: It's incredible how nobody talks about Mike Brown in these press conferences. But they talk about property. Tons. #Ferguson
“@EMPRESSRAW: “@akacharleswade: Property. Property. Property. Was #MikeBrown's name even mentioned?! #Ferguson”> only once” ridiculous
RT @donnabrazile: #Ferguson - we are sending you our thoughts and prayers.
be safe out there tonight ppl #Ferguson
RT @akacharleswade: Property. Property. Property. Was #MikeBrown's name even mentioned?! #Ferguson
RT @ajplus: .@GovJayNixon calls for peace ahead of announcement of #grandjury decision. #Ferguson