Why did they wait until nighttime to announce the verdict? #Ferguson
Why did they wait until nighttime to announce the verdict? #Ferguson
This whole freaking #Ferguson situation is extremely undermining 2 all citizens. No wonder #FergusonRiotTips is trendin, Officials r testing
Think good thoughts for #Ferguson.>> RT @sarahw: Ferguson on all our minds tonight. via @rrichard09
RT @J_Hancock: . @GovJayNixon repeats mantra of "protecting lives" and "protecting free speech." #Ferguson
RT @chescaleigh: but what was the point of that press conference other than to tell us how important property is and to barely mention Mike…
RT @GottaLaff: Dear Gov. Nixon: this isn't a "phase". This is a movement. #Ferguson
RT @McBlondeLand: WAIT..... @GovJayNixon just accused the protestors of taking out the electrical system in #Ferguson on Halloween?!!
RT @Tamela_X: Yall see how punk ass @GovJayNixon swerved on a REAL question?!! #Ferguson
RT @LatinaAnarchist: They push back the announcement so that the BADGED GANG can commit their crimes against humanity in the darkness. #Fer…
RT @JukeLove_: "@sierrashante: #Ferguson http://t.co/QQceeUoE2s" mmhm that last photo though