Obama sent local pigs $35 Bilion in US-MIL weapons; US-MIL defense chief FIRED 4 Refusing to send troops 2 #Ferguson;
Obama sent local pigs $35 Bilion in US-MIL weapons; US-MIL defense chief FIRED 4 Refusing to send troops 2 #Ferguson;
RT @ShimonPro: The national guard walking into the St. Louis prosecutors office #ferguson
RT @sarahkendzior: I don't care that Darren Wilson got married. I care that Michael Brown won't. #Ferguson
Darren Wilson murdered an unarmed black kid. Murdered. Period. #Ferguson
RT @akacharleswade: Property. Property. Property. Was #MikeBrown's name even mentioned?! #Ferguson
RT @TheAnonMessage: BREAKING: Hundreds converge towards #Ferguson police department ahead of Grand Jury decision.
RT @tonymess: My Twitter feed keeps reminding me: #Ferguson isn't just about St. Louis. Entire world is watching, and will react.
RT @msnbc: St. Louis Mayor: "The world will be we handle out disagreements in the coming days" #Fergu…
RT @portiabgrlmusic: Making a decision after dark??? OK But you don't want rioting and danger? #whodoesthat #Ferguson #prayforferguson
I pray that there is an indictment tonight. #Ferguson