Grand jury verdict to be announced as #Ferguson braces for fallout via @AJAM
Grand jury verdict to be announced as #Ferguson braces for fallout via @AJAM
RT @ChrissyCole: “I’m not going to get into operational details.” Nixon’s response when asked if tear gas will be used tonight. Wow. #Fergu…
"Everyone is crying out for peace, none is crying out for justice..."~ Peter Tosh #Ferguson
RT @UrsTruly_Laura: Hoping justice is served. #Ferguson
RT @LMartiBenz: Governor said a lot about protestors being non-violent. Didn't mention anything about police refraining from becoming viole…
RT @AnonCopWatch: Here is the best list of #Ferguson live streams. Stay tuned
RT @MbasuCNN: Crowd chanting "Indict that cop!" in #Ferguson ahead of grand jury decision on #DarrenWilson .
tonight is gonna be nuts as heck #Ferguson
RT @glorialloyd: National Guard is protecting utility substations in #Ferguson; Halloween power outage there was intentional, Nixon says.
RT @Paul_The_Wxguru: Exercise your right to protest PEACEFULLY. Do something to make a change. Pillaging and burning your town & violence i…