RT @cnnbrk: Officials: Grand jury decision on whether to indict Officer Darren Wilson will be announced at 9 p.m. ET. #Ferguson http://t.co…
RT @cnnbrk: Officials: Grand jury decision on whether to indict Officer Darren Wilson will be announced at 9 p.m. ET. #Ferguson http://t.co…
The tone I'm sensing from the #Ferguson buildup is everyone knows an indictment isn't coming #sixthsense #riots #HereWeGoAgain
“@TheAnonMessage: BREAKING: Hundreds converge towards #Ferguson police department ahead of Grand Jury decision. http://t.co/xY3hfm4CoR”
RT @VanJones68: "Regardless of the outcome, this entire process has been a farce, inside a cruel joke, wrapped in an insult." @VanJones68 #…
RT @baratunde: as we await the grand jury decision in #ferguson, i urge all law enforcement officials to remain calm
RT @deray: If you haven't already, check out the police responses to the Rules of Engagement. America. #Ferguson http://t.co/Hnap7VNjJp
RT @morehouse64: Hey Grand jury #Ferguson all you R doing by delaying it is ramping up the #Terrorist I mean Rioters.. Come out w it 6 am t…
RT @TurkeyNoPork: False Justification for .. Militarized Police #Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter http://t.co/szpaI3fnJ8
RT @EJDionne: I have the same question as @JamilSmith: Who could possibly think it was a good idea to release the #Ferguson verdict at 9 o'…
@elonjames News FAIL: Ferguson Grand Jury Decision Omissions: http://t.co/1QH352GvnW #Ferguson #FergusonGrandJury #MichaelBrown