RT @TheAnonMessage: NEWS: 12 sit on the grand jury: 9 white, 3 black...9 votes needed for an indictment. #Ferguson #IndictTheCop
RT @TheAnonMessage: NEWS: 12 sit on the grand jury: 9 white, 3 black...9 votes needed for an indictment. #Ferguson #IndictTheCop
RT @_tyran: I’m blowing up y’all TL’s tonight. #RIPMikeBrown #Ferguson #StayWoke
Start looking for potential agitators and agents of chaos before it's too late #Ferguson.
RT @chescaleigh: but what was the point of that press conference other than to tell us how important property is and to barely mention Mike…
RT @MiaFarrow: Tense. Painful. Stay safe in #Ferguson
Explain to me why this verdict is being announced at 9pm EST when the decision was made HOURS ago. #Ferguson
RT @Virtuous_Queen_: Take a shot of alcohol every time governor Nixon mentions "property" in this press conference . Be careful you might g…
@niebais1 B4 the #Ferguson annoucement 2nite they are going 2 pass out free booze & crowbars...might as well if going 2B this stupid
Oh god please let justice be served #Ferguson #MikeBrown
The most incompetent Democratic Gov on earth #Ferguson