RT @SoulRevision: WHO DID @GovJayNixon SPEAK TO ON THE GROUND?! #Ferguson
RT @SoulRevision: WHO DID @GovJayNixon SPEAK TO ON THE GROUND?! #Ferguson
RT @aurabogado: Nixon can visit whoever he wants. He's the person who called a state of emergency to calm white fears and white property. #…
RT @TheOracle13: Police officers in #Ferguson are cowards. #BlackPanic
RT @occupythemob: Look at this uncle Tom nigga. #Ferguson
RT @cmclymer: The people claiming racism is not involved in #Ferguson are the same ones tweeting racist bullshit in #FergusonRiotTrips.
RT @micnews: #Ferguson is now the home to America’s most powerful street art
RT @mettawordlife83: Constitutional violations by police have already started in #Ferguson. Extra-judicial arrests of protestors being made…
My prediction: officer Wilson indicted charge less than murder to prevent much of the violence, found innocent in abt 3 yrs #Ferguson
Who wrote Charlie Dooley's speech x can someone pull that hand out of his back, please? #NoStrings #Ferguson
Twitter is gonna blow up in the next 5-10 minutes. #Ferguson #GrandJury #NoIndictment #KillerCops