RT @CaptainNoble: What is the logic behind waiting until 9pm to release the #Ferguson grand jury decision? It seems really odd.
RT @CaptainNoble: What is the logic behind waiting until 9pm to release the #Ferguson grand jury decision? It seems really odd.
RT @cnnbrk: “What happened to Michael Brown has deeply divided us,” St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay says. #Ferguson
RT @FilmFatale_NYC: As much as he might want to distance himself, what happens in #Ferguson will ultimately be part of Obama's legacy.
RT @ChrisStigall: I hate that Monday Night Football isn't on @nbc tonight. I'd like to know what Bob Costas thinks about #Ferguson before …
RT @MikeSecrest: Don't understand, if you're worried about public safety in Ferguson after the decision, why do you announce it at 9pm? #Fe…
RT @FCneoTokyo: Most insulting press conference in history #Ferguson
RT @zellieimani: Bruh how the Revolution Communist Party get into the press conference? Tears. #Ferguson
“@RealLifeKaz: Pretty much lol "@PoeticMoment: !!!!!! “@sierrashante: #Ferguson http://t.co/B9Lyo8Qk2u”"”
RT @ArrestWilson: I'm calling for calm by police in #Ferguson. There's plenty of probable cause to #IndictTheCop http://t.co/8j1FZh57HP htt…
RT @DrayaFace: Jesus watch over the streets of #Ferguson