RT @Marmel: A lot of pipe being laid for a massive police action in this press conference. #Ferguson
RT @Marmel: A lot of pipe being laid for a massive police action in this press conference. #Ferguson
RT @Carterzest: #Ferguson Resident says "We Ready for War""We have 9mms, 40 cals, Ak-47s. If he's not guilty, you will hear from us" https:…
Praying for peace in #Ferguson
What is the verdict?????? #Ferguson #NoJusticeNoPeace
RT @akjohnson1922: To be clear: All who spoke at @GovJayNixon's presser said they do NOT know the decision reached by grand jury. #Ferguson
Deploying the national guard to secure critical buildings in #Ferguson is indicative the grand jury will not indict Darren Wilson.
RT @zellieimani: White people don't get to decide what is or what isn't racist. #Ferguson #Shaw
RT @ProfBlackistone: Long an interesting paradox to me how a country born from struggle of a persecuted people always urge its aggrieved to…
Can anyone explain why making this announcement at night makes sense? #Ferguson
At gov presser, "leaders" insinuate that violence and property destruction is the goal of the protester instead of justice. #Ferguson