RT @TeaPartyCat: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon telling black people not to get upset about random police murder. #Ferguson
RT @TeaPartyCat: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon telling black people not to get upset about random police murder. #Ferguson
MT @EJDionne: Same question as @JamilSmith: Who could possibly think it was a good idea to release the #Ferguson verdict at 9 at night?
RT @140elect: #Ferguson is 67.4% black, the grand jury is 75% white.
RT @RufusKings1776: The troublemakers are from outside? That's true. Jackson, Sharpton, Holder, and Obama do not live in #Ferguson. http:/…
RT @Tweetsbian: Drives me crazy when people think they know better about an experience than the people who have actually lived and are livi…
RT @tariqnasheed: Black people are constantly told to be non-violent and peaceful in #Ferguson . But white people are buying guns http://t.…
@CNNLive #Ferguson Yes, THE WORLD IS WATCHING!!!! What are they doing??? Clearly, by the careful language they are foreshadowing the outcome
RT @cnnbrk: Whatever the grand jury has decided, “people on all sides (should) show tolerance, mutual respect,” Mo. Gov. Nixon says. #Fergu…
RT @Sttbs73: @GovJayNixon Look scared! He knows #DarrenWilson will not be charged. #Ferguson
RT @MichaelSkolnik: Michael Brown’s family has asked for 4.5 minutes of silence tonight for the 4.5 hours his body lay in the street. #Ferg…