RT @PoliticsPeach: So every1 shld know based on this bullshit press conf what the decision is, they know & that's why they're spkng #NO TRU…
RT @PoliticsPeach: So every1 shld know based on this bullshit press conf what the decision is, they know & that's why they're spkng #NO TRU…
RT @bassem_masri: While we are out here we need folks2help us by spreading the truth via live tweeting the livestream we can use this2battl…
RT @HouTxns2002: SICK of the Lamestream media lap dogs & their excuse for reporting! Show the REAL Michael Brown...!!! #Ferguson http://t…
RT @ProfBlackistone: Long an interesting paradox to me how a country born from struggle of a persecuted people always urge its aggrieved to…
RT @elonjames: It's weird to announce this in prime time right? Why not announce at 10am? Wouldn't that change the whole dynamic? #Ferguson
RT @cnnbrk: “What happened to Michael Brown has deeply divided us,” St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay says. #Ferguson
RT @chescaleigh: but what was the point of that press conference other than to tell us how important property is and to barely mention Mike…
#Ferguson if you thought black on black crime is bad what's better black on white?? No way this is all bad
RT @deray: National Guard is providing utility sub station security. Nixon hints that protestors caused the power outtage in October. Wow. …
RT @elManoMoreno: Is @GovJayNixon really sitting up there telling everyone that he does not know what the jury decided? #Ferguson #Ferguson…