CNN's headline is blaring "DECISION DAY" Hell, more like "DECISION NIGHT" or "DECISION WEEKEND" or "DECISION MONTH". Seriously? #Ferguson
CNN's headline is blaring "DECISION DAY" Hell, more like "DECISION NIGHT" or "DECISION WEEKEND" or "DECISION MONTH". Seriously? #Ferguson
RT @deray: Gov. Nixon said that there have been open lines of communication between protest leaders and police. Not true. #Ferguson
RT @GlobalRevLive: #Ferguson Copwatcher Arrested! David Whitt was targeted and arrested earlier today. http://t.c…
Sure am glad my Saints play at 8pm. Sick of all the #Ferguson bottom feeding press...
RT @ajam: Missouri Gov. says the state is doing all that is possible to: "Protect lives, protect property, & protect the freedom of speech.…
RT @BlackcardJoker: “@msnbc: Gov. Nixon: "I'd like to reiterate my calls for peace" #Ferguson…
i don't normally talk about this shit but they want these people to protest by having this decision so late smh #Ferguson
Why do we blame the victim? Take precautions to tell the hurt not to feel rather than preventing harm in the first place? #Ferguson
God help the men and/or women on the Grand Jury dealing with the #ferguson shooting.
RT @thetrudz: Whether Darren Wilson Is Indicted or Not, the Entire System Is Guilty via @prisonculture #Ferguson