Announcement about to be made re #Ferguson.
Announcement about to be made re #Ferguson.
RT @ThePenseur: GAWDS RT @TheAnonMessage: To the #KKK: We'll be waiting. #OpKKK #OpDefense #Ferguson
Missouri @GovJayNixon calling for "peace, respect and restraint" following grand jury announcement expected at 9PM EST. #Ferguson
RT @smoothkobra: If the roles were reversed Mike Brown would have already been sentenced. #Ferguson
RT @deray: Now, Charlie Dooley is speaking. #Ferguson
RT @USABillOfRights: LEAKED>>> Prosecutor’s Office: NO INDICTMENT in #Ferguson Case #DarrenWilson WILSON NO CHARGES …
RT @ABCNews24: Jay Nixon: The people of #Ferguson are on edge waiting for a decision and that is understandable
Count down begins to 4pm... Shit about to get real in #ferguson
RT @cnnbrk: 54% of nonwhites, 23% of whites say Officer Wilson should be charged with murder. #Ferguson…
RT @CletisStump: Treating a grand jury like a trial is absurd. Indict then present a case & let the defense present theirs. #Ferguson