'No matter what is announced, it will be emotional. I want people think with their heads and not with their emotions." #Ferguson
'No matter what is announced, it will be emotional. I want people think with their heads and not with their emotions." #Ferguson
#Portland cops officrs orderd 2 take dn pictures supportin Darren Wilson http://t.co/aPpPNh5GqF #ChiefMikeReese #DarrenWilson #Ferguson
RT @AnotherEitan: If you're calling the protests "riots" before they even start, you should probably dust off your "I have black friends" e…
RT @swhelpercom: With all the riot preparations, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the verdict will be #Ferguson http:/…
RT @POPSspotSports: Planning for real change in #Ferguson @handsupunited_ Thx @bikobaker @lostvoices14 @HotepTNT #FergusonAction http://t.…
@JamesFTInternet @chuddles11 This is going to be nationwide ugly tonight. Stay safe America. #Ferguson
RT @FactsHurt: Remember when all of the white people rioted and looted after the OJ verdict came down...? Neither do I... #Ferguson
Governor Nixon and others are speaking now #Ferguson
RT @pambesteder: If more parents did THIS today...we would have LESS of what we see in #Ferguson today. https://t.co/a9h76AGvXg
"We're asking you don't riot but if you do riot we have the necessary help in place." What a clusterfuck this mess has been. #Ferguson