RT @BBCBreaking: Missouri's governor calls for "tolerance, mutual respect & restraint" ahead of #MichaelBrown decision…
RT @BBCBreaking: Missouri's governor calls for "tolerance, mutual respect & restraint" ahead of #MichaelBrown decision…
I'm not looking fwd to this #Ferguson decision. Regardless of outcome there is going to be even more division between races. Fucked up
RT @chescaleigh: anyone else feel like the governor is coming off super patronizing? #ferguson
Wonder who they hired to provide stress counseling, Charlie Dooley? #Ferguson @msnbc @cnn
RT @Jayron26: You get the impression from watching TV that there is a Nat'l emergency tonight and war is imminent. #Ferguson
Safe Havens .... #Ferguson @cnn
RT @chescaleigh: anyone else feel like the governor is coming off super patronizing? #ferguson
RT @ArrestWilson: #DarrenWilson MUST be held accountable for every shot fired. A wounded, unarmed man falling down dying is no threat whats…
RT @WallStrizzle1: Tolerance. Mutual Restraint. Respect:Not shown to Michael Brown or 100s of unarmed Black youth gunned down by Pork Chop …
They doing a lot of talking to say they not going to hold the office accountable smh #cnn #Ferguson #MikeBrown