RT @ShanLaShawn: The governor is taking way too many precautions. It is so obvious what the verdict will be #ferguson #MikeBrown
RT @ShanLaShawn: The governor is taking way too many precautions. It is so obvious what the verdict will be #ferguson #MikeBrown
RT @KSamRedEye: "I want people to think with their heads and not with emotions" -- St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley #Ferguson pres…
I can already tell that Gov. Jay Nixon knows the verdict, and is worried about what will ensue when they announce it. #Ferguson
@namesbear Put it this way: "He that sticketh head in lion's mouth gets breathing interfered w/."--The Care & Feeding of Parents" #Ferguson
RT @aurabogado: Nixon asks for peace, respect and restraint. Maybe someone should have offered Darren Wilson that advice. #Ferguson
The #Ferguson ppl & outside agitators want 2 fight-gojoin the US Military, but in reality...they are cowards! @GovJayNixon is inciting!
RT @TwistAnonymous: #Ferguson, yeah, be prepared for no indictment....
RT @MichaelaAngelaD: It's so unjust we never get time to heal-malicious trauma on top of trauma for generations & we're reprimanded for rag…
@danabrams If he wasn't a cop, this would be 1st-degree murder. A slam-dunk! #Ferguson
RT @TheAnonMessage: BREAKING NOTE: Due to mainstream media requests, the announcement will take place promptly three hours from now (9/8PM …