RT @NancyGraceHLN: #Ferguson grand jury reaches a decision. I'm live from 7-9 pm with the latest breaking developments on @HLNTV.
RT @NancyGraceHLN: #Ferguson grand jury reaches a decision. I'm live from 7-9 pm with the latest breaking developments on @HLNTV.
RT @Take_x_2: The nation is waiting on a decision. #NW the #Ferguson Grand Jury #fergusonverdict #fergusonverdict #Ferguson livestream #cnn…
RT @GlobalRevLive: #Ferguson Copwatcher Arrested! David Whitt was targeted and arrested earlier today. https://t.co/fuCThYooVy http://t.c…
violence begets violence. #Ferguson
RT @GUNSandcrayons: RT smhhhh @sierrashante: #Ferguson http://t.co/Qw6d4nf2q5
. @CharlieADooley: "I do not want people to shoot or accidentally harm somebody" out of fear. #Ferguson
RT @derekahunter: WTF? Is this a court case or a natural disaster? Liberals suck so bad, and you're awful, @GovJayNixon. #Ferguson
Waiting for the grand jury's announcement is making me very very very anxious #Ferguson
RT @baratunde: as we await the grand jury decision in #ferguson, i urge all law enforcement officials to remain calm
RT @Dr_Strangelove3: For those who are out of town that sees this tweet, the love and support that y'all are sending to #Ferguson is real..…