RT @deray: We know that being on the right side of justice doesn't guarantee victory. But we also know that silence is pre-emptive defeat. …
RT @deray: We know that being on the right side of justice doesn't guarantee victory. But we also know that silence is pre-emptive defeat. …
RT @AG_Conservative: Honestly, there should be zero tolerance for anyone who reacts to tonight's #Ferguson announcement with violence.
This prelude doesn't sound good. Even though they said they don't know. #Ferguson
RT @shokufeyesib: I cant believe the NG is still there. Is FBI there too? #Ferguson
RT @TalibKweli: I set up an indiegogo for #Ferguson protesters to keep going. The Ferguson Defense Fund. I am praying I can shut it down to…
RT @TheAnonMessage: BREAKING: Cities across the nation are ready to respond the minute the decision is announced. #Ferguson http://t.co/S9R…
#Ferguson Press conference...3 stooges.
RT @tchopstl: Dooley: "We don't know what the GJ decision is. Need to focus on systemic. People need to voice their concern in orderly fash…
RT @TheAPJournalist: Nixon: "Regardless of the decision, people on all sides shall show tolerance, mutal respect and restraint." #Ferguson
RT @ToluseO: Outside the #Ferguson police station http://t.co/65Onxrzbrc