RT @BretBaier: #Breaking: The #Ferguson Grand Jury decision will be released at 9pmET--
RT @BretBaier: #Breaking: The #Ferguson Grand Jury decision will be released at 9pmET--
RT @BretBaier: #Breaking: The #Ferguson Grand Jury decision will be released at 9pmET--
RT @CrimeInTheD: #Breaking Decision in Michael Brown case to be announced tonight at 9 p.m. EST #Ferguson
#BREAKING @MayorSlay #FergusonDecision prssr: After a period of protest, regrdless of decision outcome, it'll be time to heal. #Ferguson
RT @USATODAY: #BREAKING Reports: Ferguson grand jury reaches decision
RT @CrimeInTheD: #Breaking Decision in Michael Brown case to be announced tonight at 9 p.m. EST #Ferguson
RT @CrimeInTheD: #Breaking Decision in Michael Brown case to be announced tonight at 9 p.m. EST #Ferguson
RT @CrimeInTheD: #Breaking Decision in Michael Brown case to be announced tonight at 9 p.m. EST #Ferguson
RT @CrimeInTheD: #Breaking Decision in Michael Brown case to be announced tonight at 9 p.m. EST #Ferguson
RT @BretBaier: #Breaking: The #Ferguson Grand Jury decision will be released at 9pmET--