Here, my darling and forever beloved, is the little car;
April 14, 1940
Here, my darling and forever beloved, is the little car; by far the most beautiful—if it is half as beautiful as I trust it to be—that us Kents will ever own except for its descendents which shall go on in your custody as long as I live or keep out of the poorhouse. Please sometimes think of me as driving along at your side; and of the car as your transportation to come back to me. And know always and always that I love you and that your place in my life and my heart is unique and fixed and subject to no change, forever. I will never know so good and loving and completely noble a human being as you. God bless you, my darling; and for my sake keep you loving me and seeing me and always feeling close to me.
I DO (surrounded by a heart and underlined)
And please, darling, write oftener!